Reasons Why Canada is Worth Coming Home to
Reasons Why Canada is Worth Coming Home to: We’re Happy
The United Nations considers Canada to be one of the best places to live in the world. The UN has ranked Canada in the top five best places to live for nearly 15 years. This country received such a high rating because of its economic prosperity, clean environment, diverse population and affordable healthcare. People who reside in Canada also pay fewer taxes, experience less crime and have greater opportunities for developing businesses and industries. All of these factors are compelling incentives that help to keep Canadian citizens happy and content with their existence in Canada. All of these factors about Canada are important and there are four main reasons why Canada is worth coming home to live for many people.
Reasons Why Canada is Worth Coming Home to: We Got Money
Canada’s financial system is one of the best in the world since it has the 10th strongest economy on the planet. This country consistently has a low unemployment rate that hovers around 7%. There is an 11% poverty rate for Canadian citizens and the median income is close to $69,000. Canada is also considered one of the best places to start up a business. Many Canadians live in houses and a lot of them own their homes. Job opportunities are plentiful in Canada with the service sector providing most of the jobs.
Reasons Why Canada is Worth Coming Home to: We’re Healthy
Healthcare is an important part of living a good and quality life. Canada provides public healthcare to its members of society. The government spends close to $6000 a year per person on healthcare for Canadian citizens that qualify for this free service. Canada’s healthcare system is set up to give Canadian citizens preventative care and medical treatments. Citizens also receive dental coverage for free. The system doesn’t cover everything and some services such as vision can be obtained through private insurance. Many employers offer private insurance to workers and individuals can purchase their own plans.
Reasons Why Canada is Worth Coming Home to: We Like You
Canadian policy encourages immigration and the formation of a multicultural society. Many provinces in Canada consist of a wide variety of ethnic and racial groups. French and English are the primary languages spoken in Canada. Some of Canada’s primary ethnic groups include French, Aboriginals, Inuit and African and Asian Canadians. Canada also has a religious diversity that is just as varied as its society. There are over 33 million people that call Canada home.
Reasons Why Canada is Worth Coming Home to: What does “stealing” mean?
Crime rates in Canada are relatively low when compared to other nations. In 2011 many of Canada’s communities reported less criminal activities than the previous years. Even though crime does happen, Canada’s law enforcement, government policy and legal systems works to reduce and to deter criminal activity. The Safe Streets and Communities Act is one type of legislation that has been created to help keep crime in check throughout the provinces by imposing stiffer penalties for offenses and strengthening the legal system.
These aspects of Canadian society are very important reasons for Canadian people to live, work and remain in Canada. They also could be used to persuade former Canadian residents who once resided in the country to once again call Canada home. Canada has a strong immigration policy that tries to accommodate people who desire to settle down in this nation. This country goes out of its way to make life as good as possible for anyone who wants to call Canada home.
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Canada is awesome! I can’t wait to get back home after working overseas for a year. Most people that I speak to overseas have a good view of Canada too, which is nice.